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Идентификатор: 00338ce6 Описание: VarRecs.pas Код загружен: 3 июля 2011, 17:20 (mirt.steelwater)
unit VarRecs; {******************************************************************************} {* Unit for Conversion of TVarRec Types *} {* Revolutionary Confederation of Anarcho Syndicalists *} {* Written by: black.rabbit 2010 *} {******************************************************************************} interface {$I 'std.inc'} uses Windows, SysUtils, DateUtils; type array_of_const = array of TVarRec; function toBoolean (const aValue: TVarRec) : Boolean; overload; function toDateTime (const aValue: TVarRec) : TDateTime; overload; function toDate (const aValue: TVarRec) : TDateTime; overload; function toPointer (const aValue: TVarRec) : Pointer; overload; function toObject (const aValue: TVarRec) : TObject; overload; function toClass (const aValue: TVarRec) : TClass; overload; function toInteger (const aValue: TVarRec) : Integer; overload; function toString (const aValue: TVarRec) : String; overload; function toExtended (const aValue: TVarRec) : Extended; overload; function toDouble (const aValue: TVarRec) : Double; overload; function toInt64 (const aValue: TVarRec) : Int64; overload; function toArrayOfConst (const aValue: TVarRec) : array_of_const; overload; function _array_of_const (anArgs: array of const) : array_of_const; function _(anArgs: array of const) : array_of_const; overload; function merge (anArgs1, anArgs2: array of const) : array_of_const; overload; function _(anArgs1, anArgs2: array of const) : array_of_const; overload; const NULL = 'NULL'; function isEmpty (const anIndex: Integer; anArgs: array of const) : Boolean; overload; function notEmpty (const anIndex: Integer; anArgs: array of const) : Boolean; overload; implementation { Boolean } const BOOLEAN_STRING : array [FALSE..TRUE] of String = ('FALSE', 'TRUE'); BOOLEAN_CHAR : array [FALSE..TRUE] of String = ('F', 'T'); SHORT_BOOLEAN_CHAR : array [FALSE..TRUE] of String = ('0', '1'); SHORT_BOOLEAN_INT : array [FALSE..TRUE] of Integer = (0, 1); function StrToBoolean (const aValue : String) : Boolean; var Value : String; begin Value := UpperCase (aValue); Result := ( ( Value = BOOLEAN_STRING [TRUE] ) or ( Value = BOOLEAN_CHAR [TRUE] ) or ( Value = SHORT_BOOLEAN_CHAR [TRUE] ) ); end; function BooleanToStr (const aValue : Boolean) : String; begin Result := BOOLEAN_STRING [aValue]; end; function IntToBoolean (const aValue : Integer) : Boolean; begin Result := ( aValue = SHORT_BOOLEAN_INT [TRUE] ); end; function BooleanToInt (const aValue : Boolean) : Integer; begin Result := SHORT_BOOLEAN_INT [aValue]; end; { TVarRec } function toBoolean (const aValue: TVarRec) : Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; with aValue do try case VType of vtInteger: Result := IntToBoolean (VInteger); vtBoolean: Result := VBoolean; vtChar: Result := StrToBoolean ( VChar ); vtExtended: Result := IntToBoolean ( Round (VExtended^) ); vtString: Result := StrToBoolean (VString^); vtPointer: Result := StrToBoolean ( StrPas (VPChar) ); vtPChar: Result := StrToBoolean ( StrPas (VPChar) ); vtWideChar: Result := StrToBoolean ( Char (VWideChar) ); vtPWideChar: Result := StrToBoolean ( WideCharToString (VPWideChar) ); vtAnsiString: Result := StrToBoolean ( String (VAnsiString) ); vtCurrency: Result := IntToBoolean ( Round (VExtended^) ); vtVariant: Result := Boolean (VVariant^); vtWideString: Result := StrToBoolean ( WideCharToString (VWideString) ); vtInt64: Result := IntToBoolean ( Integer (VInt64^) ); end; except Result := FALSE; end; end; function toDateTime (const aValue: TVarRec) : TDateTime; begin Result := 0.0; with aValue do try case VType of vtInt64: Result := UnixToDateTime (VInt64^); vtInteger: Result := UnixToDateTime (VInteger); vtExtended: Result := VExtended^; vtVariant: Result := Extended (VVariant^); vtString: Result := StrToDateTime (VString^); vtPointer: Result := StrToDateTime ( StrPas (VPChar) ); vtPChar: Result := StrToDateTime ( StrPas (VPChar) ); vtAnsiString: Result := StrToDateTime ( String (VAnsiString) ); vtPWideChar: Result := StrToDateTime ( WideCharToString (VPWideChar) ); vtWideString: Result := StrToDateTime ( WideCharToString (VWideString) ); end; except Result := 0.0; end; end; function toDate (const aValue: TVarRec) : TDateTime; begin Result := 0.0; with aValue do try case VType of vtInt64: Result := VInt64^; vtInteger: Result := VInteger; vtExtended: Result := Trunc (VExtended^); vtVariant: Result := Trunc ( Extended (VVariant^) ); vtString: Result := StrToDate (VString^); vtPointer: Result := StrToDate ( StrPas (VPChar) ); vtPChar: Result := StrToDate ( StrPas (VPChar) ); vtAnsiString: Result := StrToDate ( String (VAnsiString) ); vtPWideChar: Result := StrToDate ( WideCharToString (VPWideChar) ); vtWideString: Result := StrToDate ( WideCharToString (VWideString) ); end; except Result := 0.0; end; end; function toPointer (const aValue: TVarRec) : Pointer; begin Result := NIL; with aValue do try case VType of vtPointer: Result := VPointer; end; except Result := NIL; end; end; function toObject (const aValue: TVarRec) : TObject; begin Result := NIL; with aValue do try case VType of vtObject: Result := VObject; end; except Result := NIL; end; end; function toClass (const aValue: TVarRec) : TClass; begin Result := NIL; with aValue do try case VType of vtClass: Result := VClass; vtObject: Result := VObject.ClassType; end; except Result := NIL; end; end; function toInteger (const aValue: TVarRec) : Integer; begin Result := 0; with aValue do try case VType of vtVariant: Result := Integer (VVariant^); vtInteger: Result := VInteger; vtInt64: Result := Integer (VInt64^); vtPointer: Result := Longint (VPointer); vtObject: Result := Longint (VObject); vtClass: Result := Longint (VClass); vtInterface: Result := Longint (VInterface); vtBoolean: Result := BooleanToInt (VBoolean); vtString: Result := StrToInt (VString^); vtChar: Result := StrToInt ( VChar ); vtPChar: Result := StrToInt ( StrPas (VPChar) ); vtAnsiString: Result := StrToInt ( String (VAnsiString) ); vtWideChar: Result := StrToInt ( Char (VWideChar) ); vtPWideChar: Result := StrToInt ( WideCharToString (VPWideChar) ); vtWideString: Result := StrToInt ( WideCharToString (VWideString) ); end; except Result := 0; end; end; function toString (const aValue: TVarRec) : String; begin Result := ''; with aValue do try case VType of vtInteger: Result := IntToStr (VInteger); vtBoolean: Result := BooleanToStr (VBoolean); vtChar: Result := VChar; vtExtended: Result := FloatToStr (VExtended^); vtString: Result := VString^; vtPointer: Result := IntToStr ( Longint (VPointer) ); vtPChar: Result := StrPas (VPChar); vtObject: Result := VObject.ClassName; vtClass: Result := VClass.ClassName; vtAnsiString: Result := String (VAnsiString); vtWideChar: Result := Char (VWideChar); vtPWideChar: Result := WideCharToString (VPWideChar); vtWideString: Result := WideCharToString (VWideString); vtCurrency: Result := FloatToStr (VCurrency^); vtInt64: Result := IntToStr (VInt64^); vtVariant: Result := VVariant^; end; except Result := ''; end; end; function toExtended (const aValue: TVarRec) : Extended; begin Result := 0.0; with aValue do try case VType of vtExtended: Result := VExtended^; vtCurrency: Result := VCurrency^; vtVariant: Result := Extended (VVariant^); vtInteger: Result := VInteger; vtInt64: Result := Integer (VInt64^); vtPointer: Result := Longint (VPointer); vtObject: Result := Longint (VObject); vtClass: Result := Longint (VClass); vtInterface: Result := Longint (VInterface); vtBoolean: Result := BooleanToInt (VBoolean); vtString: Result := StrToFloat (VString^); vtChar: Result := StrToFloat (VChar); vtPChar: Result := StrToFloat ( StrPas (VPChar) ); vtAnsiString: Result := StrToFloat ( String (VAnsiString) ); vtWideChar: Result := StrToFloat ( Char (VWideChar) ); vtPWideChar: Result := StrToFloat ( WideCharToString (VPWideChar) ); vtWideString: Result := StrToFloat ( WideCharToString (VWideString) ); end; except Result := 0.0; end; end; function toDouble (const aValue: TVarRec) : Double; begin Result := toExtended (aValue); end; function toInt64 (const aValue: TVarRec) : Int64; begin Result := 0; with aValue do try case VType of vtInt64: Result := VInt64^; vtInteger: Result := VInteger; vtExtended: Move ( VExtended^, Result, SizeOf (Int64) ); vtVariant: Result := Integer (VVariant^); vtPointer: Result := Longint (VPointer); vtObject: Result := Longint (VObject); vtClass: Result := Longint (VClass); vtInterface: Result := Longint (VInterface); vtBoolean: Result := BooleanToInt (VBoolean); vtString: Result := StrToInt64 (VString^); vtChar: Result := StrToInt64 (VChar); vtPChar: Result := StrToInt64 ( StrPas (VPChar) ); vtAnsiString: Result := StrToInt64 ( String (VAnsiString) ); vtWideChar: Result := StrToInt64 ( Char (VWideChar) ); vtPWideChar: Result := StrToInt64 ( WideCharToString (VPWideChar) ); vtWideString: Result := StrToInt64 ( WideCharToString (VWideString) ); end; except Result := 0; end; end; function toArrayOfConst (const aValue: TVarRec) : array_of_const; begin Result := _([]); with aValue do try case VType of vtPointer: Result := VPointer; end; except Result := _([]); end; end; function _array_of_const (anArgs: array of const) : array_of_const; var I : WORD; Index : WORD; Length : WORD; begin Length := 0; if ( High (anArgs) >= 0 ) then Length := Length + High (anArgs) - Low (anArgs) +1; if ( Length > 0 ) then begin SetLength (Result,Length); Index := 0; for I := Low (anArgs) to High (anArgs) do begin Result [Index] := anArgs [I]; Inc (Index); end; end; end; function _(anArgs: array of const) : array_of_const; begin Result := _array_of_const (anArgs); end; { merge array of const } function merge (anArgs1, anArgs2: array of const) : array_of_const; var I : WORD; Index : WORD; Length : WORD; begin Result := _([]); try Length := 0; if ( High (anArgs1) >= 0 ) then Length := Length + High (anArgs1) - Low (anArgs1) +1; if ( High (anArgs2) >= 0 ) then Length := Length + High (anArgs2) - Low (anArgs2) +1; if ( Length > 0 ) then begin SetLength (Result,Length); Index := 0; if ( High (anArgs1) >= 0 ) then for I := Low (anArgs1) to High (anArgs1) do begin Result [Index] := anArgs1 [I]; Inc (Index); end; if ( High (anArgs2) >= 0 ) then for I := Low (anArgs2) to High (anArgs2) do begin Result [Index] := anArgs2 [I]; Inc (Index); end; end; except Result := _([]); end; end; function _(anArgs1, anArgs2: array of const) : array_of_const; begin Result := merge (anArgs1,anArgs2); end; function isEmpty (const anIndex: Integer; anArgs: array of const) : Boolean; begin Result := ( ( High (anArgs) < anIndex ) or ( toString (anArgs [anIndex]) = NULL ) ); end; function notEmpty (const anIndex: Integer; anArgs: array of const) : Boolean; begin Result := ( ( High (anArgs) >= anIndex ) and ( toString (anArgs [anIndex]) <> NULL ) ); end; end.