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Идентификатор: 2b7d3f01 Описание: FFT Delphi Код загружен: 23 июня 2011, 18:03 (mirt.steelwater)
type { массив действительных чисел } PDoubleArray = ^TDoubleArray; TDoubleArray = array [0..0] of Double; { функция } PDoubleFunction = ^TDoubleFunction; TDoubleFunction = function (const anArray: PDoubleArray; const X: WORD) : Double; { параметры вызова функции } PDoubleFunctionParams = ^TDoubleFunctionParams; TDoubleFunctionParams = packed record X1 : WORD; X2 : WORD; dX : WORD; end; function spectr_pool (const anArray: PDoubleArray; const X: WORD) : Double; begin Result := anArray^ [2*x]; end; function fft_pool (const anArray: PDoubleArray; const X: WORD) : Double; begin Result := sqr ( anArray^ [x] ); end; function entropy_pool (const anArray: PDoubleArray; const X: WORD) : Double; begin Result := anArray^ [x]; end; function Frequency (const aValue: Double; const anArray: PDoubleArray; const aLength: WORD; const aPrecision: Double = 0.001) : Double; var I : WORD; Count : WORD; begin Result := 0; try Count := 0; for I := 0 to (aLength - 1) do begin if ( abs (aValue - anArray^ [I]) <= aPrecision ) then Inc (Count); Continue; end; Result := Count / aLength; except on E: Exception do raise Exception.CreateFmt ('%s : %s',[ERR_FREQUENCY,E.Message]); end; end; function Entropy (const anArray: PDoubleArray; const aLength: WORD; const aPrecision: Double = 0.001) : Double; var I : WORD; Frq : Double; begin Result := 0; try for I := 0 to (aLength - 1) do begin Frq := Frequency (anArray^ [I], anArray, aLength, aPrecision); if ( Frq > 0 ) then Result := Result + Frq * log2 (1/Frq); Continue; end; except on E: Exception do raise Exception.CreateFmt ('%s : %s',[ERR_ENTROPY,E.Message]); end; end; procedure FFT (var anArray: PDoubleArray; const aLength: WORD; const doInverse: Boolean = FALSE); var nn : WORD; ii : Integer; jj : Integer; n : Integer; m : Integer; mMax : Integer; i : Integer; j : Integer; iSign : Integer; iStep : Integer; wTemp : Double; wR : Double; wI : Double; wpR : Double; wpI : Double; tempR : Double; tempI : Double; theta : Double; begin try case doInverse of TRUE : iSign := 1; FALSE : iSign := -1; end; nn := aLength; n := 2*nn; j := 1; ii := 1; while ( ii <= nn ) do begin i := 2*ii - 1; if ( j > i ) then begin tempR := anArray^ [j-1]; tempI := anArray^ [j]; anArray^ [j-1] := anArray^ [i-1]; anArray^ [j] := anArray^ [i]; anArray^ [i-1] := tempR; anArray^ [i] := tempI; end; m := n div 2; while ( ( m >= 2) and ( j > m ) ) do begin j := j - m; m := m div 2; end; j := j + m; Inc (ii); end; mMax := 2; while ( n > mMax ) do begin iStep := 2*mMax; theta := 2 * Pi / (iSign*mMax); wpR := -2.0 * sqr ( sin (0.5*theta) ); wpI := sin (theta); wR := 1.0; wI := 0.0; ii := 1; while ( ii <= mMax div 2 ) do begin m := 2*ii - 1; jj := 0; while ( jj <= (n-m) div iStep ) do begin i := m + jj*iStep; j := i + mMax; tempR := wR * anArray^ [j-1] - wI * anArray^ [j]; tempI := wR * anArray^ [j] + wI * anArray^ [j-1]; anArray^ [j-1] := anArray^ [i-1] - tempR; anArray^ [j] := anArray^ [i] - tempI; anArray^ [i-1] := anArray^ [i-1] + tempR; anArray^ [i] := anArray^ [i] + tempI; Inc (jj); end; wTemp := wR; wR := wR*wpR - wI*wpI + wR; wI := wI*wpR + wTemp*wpI + wI; Inc (ii); end; mMax := iStep; end; if doInverse then begin i := 1; while ( i <= 2*nn ) do begin anArray^ [i-1] := anArray^ [i-1] / nn; Inc (i); end; end; except on E: Exception do raise Exception.CreateFmt ('%s : %s',[ERR_FFT,E.Message]); end; end; function DrawFunction (const aCanvas: TCanvas; const aRect: TRect; const aFunction: TDoubleFunction; const anArray: PDoubleArray; const aParams: TDoubleFunctionParams; const aBackGroundColor: TColor; const aBackColor: TColor; const aFrontColor: TColor; const drawAxes: Boolean = TRUE; const drawLines: Boolean = TRUE; const drawSubGraph: Boolean = FALSE) : Boolean; var x1, x2 : WORD; { область определения функции } y1, y2 : Double; { область значения функции } x : WORD; { локальное значение аргумента } y : Double; { локальное значение функции } dx : WORD; { приращение аргумента } x0, y0 : Integer; { начало координат } Left : Integer; Bottom : Integer; Width : Integer; Height : Integer; ScaleX : Double; { масштаб по оси x } ScaleY : Double; { масштаб по оси y } begin Result := FALSE; try x1 := aParams.X1; x2 := aParams.X2; dx := aParams.dX; with aCanvas do begin Brush.Color := aBackGroundColor; Pen.Color := aFrontColor; Rectangle (aRect); if ( ( x2 < 0 ) or ( x1 < 0 ) ) then Left := (aRect.Right - aRect.Left) div 2 else Left := aRect.Left + 8; Width := (aRect.Right - aRect.Left) - 18; Bottom := (aRect.Bottom - aRect.Top) - 5; Height := (aRect.Bottom - aRect.Top) - 22; y1 := aFunction (anArray,x1); y2 := aFunction (anArray,x1); x := x1; repeat y := aFunction (anArray,x); if ( y < y1 ) then y1 := y; if ( y > y2 ) then y2 := y; x := x + dx; until ( x >= x2 ); if ( abs (y2-y1) < dx ) then Exit; ScaleX := Width / abs (x2-x1); ScaleY := Height / abs (y2-y1); x0 := Left; y0 := Bottom - abs ( round (y1*ScaleY) ); if drawAxes then begin MoveTo (Left,Bottom); LineTo ( Left, Bottom-Height ); MoveTo (Left,y0); LineTo ( x0+Width, y0 ); end; Pen.Color := aBackColor; x := x1; repeat y := aFunction (anArray,x); if ( y > dx ) then Pixels [ x0 + round (x*ScaleX), y0 - round (y*ScaleY)-1 ] := aFrontColor else Pixels [ x0 + round (x*ScaleX), y0 - round (y*ScaleY){+1} ] := aFrontColor; MoveTo ( x0 + round (x*ScaleX), y0 - round (y*ScaleY) ); if not drawLines then x := x + dx else begin if drawSubGraph then begin LineTo ( x0 + round (x*ScaleX), y0 ); x := x + dx; end else begin x := x + dx; y := aFunction (anArray,x); LineTo ( x0 + round (x*ScaleX), y0 - round (y*ScaleY) ); end; end; until ( x >= x2 ); Result := TRUE; end; except on E: Exception do raise Exception.CreateFmt ('%s : %s',[ERR_DRAW_FUNCTION,E.Message]); end; end; // пример использования procedure TfmRandomTestDialog.GetData; var I : WORD; Rect : TRect; Params : TDoubleFunctionParams; begin try { array [2n] + i*array [2n+1] } for I := 0 to ( 2 * f_PoolLength - 1 ) do begin f_Pool^ [I] := TCrypto.Random (f_PoolLength,0,f_RandomType); f_Pool^ [I+1] := 0; end; Rect.Left := 4; Rect.Right := ptSpectr.Width - 4; Rect.Top := 4; Rect.Bottom := ptSpectr.Height - 4; Params.X1 := 1; Params.X2 := f_PoolLength; Params.dX := 2; DrawFunction (ptSpectr.Canvas, Rect, spectr_pool, f_Pool, Params, clBlack, clMaroon, clRed, TRUE, FALSE); if f_EntropyPoolIndex >= f_EntropyPoolLength then f_EntropyPoolIndex := 0; Inc (f_EntropyPoolIndex); f_EntropyPool^ [f_EntropyPoolIndex] := Entropy ( f_Pool, 2*f_PoolLength ); Rect.Left := 4; Rect.Right := ptEntropy.Width - 4; Rect.Top := 4; Rect.Bottom := ptEntropy.Height - 4; Params.X1 := 0; Params.X2 := f_EntropyPoolLength div 2; Params.dX := 1; DrawFunction (ptEntropy.Canvas, Rect, entropy_pool, f_EntropyPool, Params, clBlack, clMaroon, clRed, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); FFT (f_Pool,f_PoolLength); Rect.Left := 4; Rect.Right := ptFFT.Width - 4; Rect.Top := 4; Rect.Bottom := ptFFT.Height - 4; Params.X1 := 2; Params.X2 := f_PoolLength; Params.dX := 1; DrawFunction (ptFFT.Canvas, Rect, fft_pool, f_Pool, Params, clBlack, clMaroon, clRed, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); except on E: Exception do raise EClass.Create ([self,'GetData',ERR_TFMRANDOMTESTDIALOG_GET_DATA,E], ['{649B92D2-A503-4A91-B356-E790FAAF526D}']); end; end;