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Идентификатор: 70a4ea26 Описание: BBCode Код загружен: 24 мая 2012, 12:02 (mirt.steelwater)
unit BBCode; {******************************************************************************} {* BB Code Unit *} {* Revolutionary Confederation of Anarcho Syndicalists *} {* Written by: black.rabbit 2010-2012 *} {******************************************************************************} interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, ComCtrls, RichEdit, RxRichEd, acPNG, jpeg, ImgList, acAlphaImageList, Strings; const QUOTES : array [0..1] of String = ( '[QUOTE]', '[/QUOTE]' ); function ColorToHex (const aColor: TColor) : String; procedure InsertBBCode (anObject: TRichEdit; const aBBCode: String); overload; procedure InsertBBCode (anObject: TRxRichEdit; const aBBCode: String); overload; procedure InsertBitMap (anObject: TRxRichEdit; aBitMap: TBitMap); function StrToBitMap (anObject: TRxRichEdit; aStr: String; aBitMap: TBitMap) : Integer; procedure MarkQuotes (var aBBCode: String; const aColor: TColor = clNone); procedure InsertQuotes (anObject: TRxRichEdit; anIcons : TsAlphaImageList; aBackColor: TColor = clNone); procedure InsertSmiles (anObject: TRxRichEdit; const aSMILES: array of String; anIcons : TsAlphaImageList; aBackColor: TColor = clNone); procedure GetTagWords (const aBBCode: String; const aTagOpen: String; const aTagClose: String; out aWords: TStringList); procedure GetBoldWords (const aBBCode: String; out aWords: TStringList); procedure GetItalicWords (const aBBCode: String; out aWords: TStringList); procedure GetUnderlineWords (const aBBCode: String; out aWords: TStringList); procedure GetKeyWords (const aBBCode: String; out aWords: TStringList); resourcestring ERR_BBCODE_NOT_INITIALIZE_OBJECT = 'Объект класса ''%s'' не инициализирован!'; ERR_BBCODE_INSERT = 'Ошибка инъекции данных!'; ERR_BBCODE_BMP = 'Ошибка преобразования изображения в RTF-формат!'; ERR_SMILES_INSERT = 'Ошибка замены смайлов на изображения!'; implementation type TEditStreamCallBack = function (dwCookie: LongInt; pbBuff: PByte; cb: LongInt; var pcb: LongInt) : DWORD; stdcall; TEditStreamData = packed record dwCookie : LongInt; dwError : LongInt; pfnCallback : TEditStreamCallBack; end; function EditStreamInCallback (dwCookie: Longint; pbBuff: PByte; cb: Longint; var pcb: Longint) : DWORD; stdcall; var Stream : TStream; dataAvail : LongInt; begin Result := UINT (E_FAIL); try Stream := TStream (dwCookie); if Assigned (Stream) then with Stream do begin dataAvail := Size - Position; Result := 0; if ( dataAvail <= cb ) then begin pcb := Read (pbBuff^,dataAvail); if ( pcb <> dataAvail ) then Result := UINT (E_FAIL); end else begin pcb := Read (pbBuff^,cb); if ( pcb <> cb ) then Result := UINT (E_FAIL); end; end; except Result := UINT (E_FAIL); end; end; procedure PutRTFSelection (anObject: TRichEdit; aSourceStream: TStream); overload; var Data : TEditStreamData; begin try if ( not Assigned (anObject) ) then raise Exception.CreateFmt (ERR_BBCODE_NOT_INITIALIZE_OBJECT, [TRichEdit.ClassName]); with Data do begin dwCookie := LongInt (aSourceStream); dwError := 0; pfnCallback := EditStreamInCallBack; end; anObject.Perform ( EM_STREAMIN, SF_RTF or SFF_SELECTION, LongInt (@Data) ); except on E: Exception do raise Exception.CreateFmt ('%s'#13#10'%s',[ERR_BBCODE_INSERT,E.Message]); end; end; procedure PutRTFSelection (anObject: TRxRichEdit; aSourceStream: TStream); overload; var Data : TEditStreamData; begin try if ( not Assigned (anObject) ) then raise Exception.CreateFmt (ERR_BBCODE_NOT_INITIALIZE_OBJECT, [TRxRichEdit.ClassName]); with Data do begin dwCookie := LongInt (aSourceStream); dwError := 0; pfnCallback := EditStreamInCallBack; end; anObject.Perform ( EM_STREAMIN, SF_RTF or SFF_SELECTION, LongInt (@Data) ); except on E: Exception do raise Exception.CreateFmt ('%s'#13#10'%s',[ERR_BBCODE_INSERT,E.Message]); end; end; procedure ColorToRGB (const aColor: TColor; var R: Byte; var G: Byte; var B: Byte); var clr : LongInt; begin clr := Graphics.ColorToRGB (aColor); R := clr; G := clr shr 8; B := clr shr 16; end; function ColorToHex (const aColor: TColor) : String; var R : Byte; G : Byte; B : Byte; begin Result := '000000'; try ColorToRGB (aColor,R,G,B); Result := Format ('%s%s%s',[ IntToHex (R,2), IntToHex (G,2), IntToHex (B,2) ]); except Result := '000000'; end; end; function GetColors (var aBBCode: String; var aPallete: WORD; const aFontColor: TColor = clBlack) : String; var Buf1 : String; Buf2 : String; Buf3 : String; Buffer : String; color : String; R : Byte; G : Byte; B : Byte; begin Result := ''; Buf1 := ''; Buf2 := aBBCode; Buf3 := ''; Buffer := aBBCode; R := 0; G := 0; B := 0; // цвет шрифта по-умолчанию ColorToRGB (aFontColor,R,G,B); Result := Format ('\red%d\green%d\blue%d;',[R,G,B]); Inc (aPallete); // разбираем палитру while ( Pos ('[COLOR:#',Buf2) > 0 ) do begin Buf2 := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[COLOR:#', Buf2), ( Length (Buf2) - Pos ('[COLOR:#', Buf2) ) + 1 ); Buf1 := Copy ( Buffer, 1, Length (Buffer) - Length (Buf2) ); color := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[COLOR:#', Buf2) + Length ('[COLOR:#'), Length ('RRGGBB') ); R := StrToInt ( Format ('$%s',[Copy (color,1,2)]) ); G := StrToInt ( Format ('$%s',[Copy (color,3,2)]) ); B := StrToInt ( Format ('$%s',[Copy (color,5,2)]) ); Result := Format ('%s\red%d\green%d\blue%d;',[Result,R,G,B]); Inc (aPallete); Delete ( Buf2, Pos ('[COLOR:#', Buf2), Length ('[COLOR:#RRGGBB]') ); Buf3 := Copy ( Buf2, 1, ( Pos ('[/COLOR]', Buf2) - 1 ) ); Buf2 := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[/COLOR]', Buf2) + Length ('[/COLOR]'), ( Length (Buf2) - Pos ('[/COLOR]', Buf2) ) + 1 ); // возвращаемся к цвету шрифта 1 - начальный цвет шрифта Buffer := Format ('%s\cf%d %s\cf1 %s',[Buf1,aPallete,Buf3,Buf2]); end; Buffer := Format ('\cf1 %s\cf1',[Buffer]); aBBCode := Buffer; end; function GetBackgrounds (var aBBCode: String; var aPallete: WORD; const aColor: TColor = clWhite) : String; var Buf1 : String; Buf2 : String; Buf3 : String; Buffer : String; color : String; R : Byte; G : Byte; B : Byte; begin Result := ''; Buf1 := ''; Buf2 := aBBCode; Buf3 := ''; Buffer := aBBCode; R := 0; G := 0; B := 0; // цвет фона по-умолчанию ColorToRGB (aColor,R,G,B); Result := Format ('\red%d\green%d\blue%d;',[R,G,B]); Inc (aPallete); // разбираем палитру while ( Pos ('[BACKGROUND:#',Buf2) > 0 ) do begin Buf2 := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[BACKGROUND:#', Buf2), ( Length (Buf2) - Pos ('[BACKGROUND:#', Buf2) ) + 1 ); Buf1 := Copy ( Buffer, 1, Length (Buffer) - Length (Buf2) ); color := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[BACKGROUND:#', Buf2) + Length ('[BACKGROUND:#'), Length ('RRGGBB') ); R := StrToInt ( Format ('$%s',[Copy (color,1,2)]) ); G := StrToInt ( Format ('$%s',[Copy (color,3,2)]) ); B := StrToInt ( Format ('$%s',[Copy (color,5,2)]) ); Result := Format ('%s\red%d\green%d\blue%d;',[Result,R,G,B]); Inc (aPallete); Delete ( Buf2, Pos ('[BACKGROUND:#', Buf2), Length ('[BACKGROUND:#RRGGBB]') ); Buf3 := Copy ( Buf2, 1, ( Pos ('[/BACKGROUND]', Buf2) - 1 ) ); Buf2 := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[/BACKGROUND]', Buf2) + Length ('[/BACKGROUND]'), ( Length (Buf2) - Pos ('[/BACKGROUND]', Buf2) ) + 1 ); // возвращаемся к цвету фона 0 - нет фона Buffer := Format ('%s\highlight%d %s\highlight0 %s',[Buf1,aPallete,Buf3,Buf2]); end; aBBCode := Buffer; end; function GetFonts (var aBBCode: String; var aFontNumber: WORD; const aFont: TFont) : String; var Buf1 : String; Buf2 : String; Buf3 : String; Buffer : String; font : String; size : String; begin Result := ''; Buf1 := ''; Buf2 := aBBCode; Buf3 := ''; Buffer := aBBCode; // шрифт по-умолчанию Result := Format ('{\f%d\fswiss\fcharset1 %s;}',[aFontNumber,aFont.Name]); Inc (aFontNumber); // разбираем шрифты while ( Pos ('[FONT:',Buf2) > 0 ) do begin Buf2 := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[FONT:', Buf2), ( Length (Buf2) - Pos ('[FONT:', Buf2) ) + 1 ); Buf1 := Copy ( Buffer, 1, Length (Buffer) - Length (Buf2) ); font := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[FONT:', Buf2) + Length ('[FONT:'), Pos (']', Buf2) - Pos ('[FONT:', Buf2) - Length ('[FONT:') ); Result := Format ('%s{\f%d\fswiss\fcharset1 %s;}',[Result,aFontNumber,font]); Delete ( Buf2, Pos ('[FONT:', Buf2), Length ( Format ('[FONT:%s]',[font]) ) ); Buf3 := Copy ( Buf2, 1, ( Pos ('[/FONT]', Buf2) - 1 ) ); Buf2 := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[/FONT]', Buf2) + Length ('[/FONT]'), ( Length (Buf2) - Pos ('[/FONT]', Buf2) ) + 1 ); Buffer := Format ('%s\f%d %s\f0 %s',[Buf1,aFontNumber,Buf3,Buf2]); Inc (aFontNumber); end; // размер шрифта по-умолчанию Buffer := Format ('\fs%d %s',[aFont.Size*2,Buffer]); // разбираем размеры while ( Pos ('[SIZE:',Buf2) > 0 ) do begin Buf2 := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[SIZE:', Buf2), ( Length (Buf2) - Pos ('[SIZE:', Buf2) ) + 1 ); Buf1 := Copy ( Buffer, 1, Length (Buffer) - Length (Buf2) ); size := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[SIZE:', Buf2) + Length ('[SIZE:'), Pos (']', Buf2) - Pos ('[SIZE:', Buf2) - Length ('[SIZE:') ); Delete ( Buf2, Pos ('[SIZE:', Buf2), Length ( Format ('[SIZE:%s]',[size]) ) ); Buf3 := Copy ( Buf2, 1, ( Pos ('[/SIZE]', Buf2) - 1 ) ); Buf2 := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[/SIZE]', Buf2) + Length ('[/SIZE]'), ( Length (Buf2) - Pos ('[/SIZE]', Buf2) ) + 1 ); Buffer := Format ('%s\fs%d %s\fs%d %s',[ Buf1, StrToInt (Trim(size))*2, Buf3, aFont.Size*2, Buf2 ]); end; aBBCode := Buffer; end; procedure MarkQuotes (var aBBCode: String; const aColor: TColor = clNone); var Buf1 : String; Buf2 : String; Buf3 : String; Buffer : String; Author : String; begin aBBCode := StrReplace (aBBCode,'[quote','[QUOTE'); aBBCode := StrReplace (aBBCode,'[/quote]','[/QUOTE]'); Buf1 := ''; Buf2 := aBBCode; Buf3 := ''; Buffer := aBBCode; while ( Pos ('[QUOTE:',Buf2) > 0 ) do begin Buf2 := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[QUOTE:', Buf2), ( Length (Buf2) - Pos ('[QUOTE:', Buf2) ) + 1 ); Buf1 := Copy ( Buffer, 1, Length (Buffer) - Length (Buf2) ); Author := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[QUOTE:', Buf2) + Length ('[QUOTE:'), Pos (']', Buf2) - Pos ('[QUOTE:', Buf2) - Length ('[QUOTE:') ); Delete ( Buf2, Pos ('[QUOTE:', Buf2), Length ( Format ('[QUOTE:%s]',[Author]) ) ); Buf3 := Copy ( Buf2, 1, ( Pos ('[/QUOTE]', Buf2) - 1 ) ); Buf2 := Copy ( Buf2, Pos ('[/QUOTE]', Buf2) + Length ('[/QUOTE]'), ( Length (Buf2) - Pos ('[/FONT]', Buf2) ) + 1 ); Buffer := Format ('%s [QUOTE][B]%s[/B] %s[/QUOTE] %s',[Buf1,Author,Buf3,Buf2]); end; if ( aColor <> clNone ) then begin Buffer := StrReplace ( Buffer, '[QUOTE]', Format ('[BACKGROUND:#%s][QUOTE]',[ ColorToHex (aColor) ]) ); Buffer := StrReplace ( Buffer, '[/QUOTE]', '[/QUOTE][/BACKGROUND]' ); end; aBBCode := Buffer; end; procedure GetLists (var aBBCode: String); begin aBBCode := StrReplace (aBBCode,'[LI]','• '); aBBCode := StrReplace (aBBCode,'[/LI]',''); end; procedure InsertBBCode (anObject: TRichEdit; const aBBCode: String); var Stream : TStringStream; s : String; charset : String; fonts : String; fonttable : WORD; colors : String; backgrouns : String; palette : WORD; begin s := aBBCode; s := StrReplace (s,'[li]','[LI]'); s := StrReplace (s,'[/li]','[/LI]'); s := StrReplace (s,'[B]','\b ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,'[/B]','\b0 ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,'[I]','\i ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,'[/I]','\i0 ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,'[U]','\ul ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,'[/U]','\ulnone ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,'[S]','\strike ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,'[/S]','\strike0 ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,#13#10,'\par '); s := StrReplace (s,'[color:#','[COLOR:#'); s := StrReplace (s,'[/color]','[/COLOR]'); s := StrReplace (s,'[background:#','[BACKGROUND:#'); s := StrReplace (s,'[/background]','[/BACKGROUND]'); s := StrReplace (s,'[font:','[FONT:'); s := StrReplace (s,'[/font]','[/FONT]'); s := StrReplace (s,'[size:','[SIZE:'); s := StrReplace (s,'[/size]','[/SIZE]'); s := StrReplace (s,'[KEY]',''); s := StrReplace (s,'[/KEY]',''); s := StrReplace (s,'[key]',''); s := StrReplace (s,'[/key]',''); charset := ''; if ( anObject.Font.CharSet = RUSSIAN_CHARSET ) then charset := '\ansi\ansicpg1251'; palette := 0; colors := GetColors (s,palette,anObject.Font.Color); backgrouns := GetBackGrounds (s,palette,anObject.Color); fonttable := 0; fonts := GetFonts (s,fonttable,anObject.Font); GetLists (s); Stream := TStringStream.Create ( Format ('{\rtf1'+'%s'+ '{\fonttbl %s}'+ '{\colortbl ;%s%s}'+ '%s}', [charset, fonts, colors,backgrouns, s]) ); if Assigned (Stream) then try PutRTFSelection (anObject,Stream); finally FreeAndNil (Stream); end; end; procedure InsertBBCode (anObject: TRxRichEdit; const aBBCode: String); var Stream : TStringStream; s : String; charset : String; fonts : String; fonttable : WORD; colors : String; backgrouns : String; palette : WORD; begin s := aBBCode; s := StrReplace (s,'[li]','[LI]'); s := StrReplace (s,'[/li]','[/LI]'); s := StrReplace (s,'[B]','\b ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,'[/B]','\b0 ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,'[I]','\i ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,'[/I]','\i0 ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,'[U]','\ul ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,'[/U]','\ulnone ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,'[S]','\strike ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,'[/S]','\strike0 ',FALSE); s := StrReplace (s,#13#10,'\par '); s := StrReplace (s,'[color:#','[COLOR:#'); s := StrReplace (s,'[/color]','[/COLOR]'); s := StrReplace (s,'[background:#','[BACKGROUND:#'); s := StrReplace (s,'[/background]','[/BACKGROUND]'); s := StrReplace (s,'[font:','[FONT:'); s := StrReplace (s,'[/font]','[/FONT]'); s := StrReplace (s,'[size:','[SIZE:'); s := StrReplace (s,'[/size]','[/SIZE]'); s := StrReplace (s,'[KEY]',''); s := StrReplace (s,'[/KEY]',''); s := StrReplace (s,'[key]',''); s := StrReplace (s,'[/key]',''); charset := ''; if ( anObject.Font.CharSet = RUSSIAN_CHARSET ) then charset := '\ansi\ansicpg1251'; palette := 0; colors := GetColors (s,palette,anObject.Font.Color); backgrouns := GetBackGrounds (s,palette,anObject.Color); fonttable := 0; fonts := GetFonts (s,fonttable,anObject.Font); GetLists (s); Stream := TStringStream.Create ( Format ('{\rtf1'+'%s'+ '{\fonttbl %s}'+ '{\colortbl ;%s%s}'+ '%s}', [charset, fonts, colors,backgrouns, s]) ); if Assigned (Stream) then try PutRTFSelection (anObject,Stream); finally FreeAndNil (Stream); end; end; function BitMapToRTF (const aValue: TBitMap) : String; var Header, Image : String; HeaderSize, ImageSize : Cardinal; S : ShortString; HEX : String; I : Integer; begin try GetDIBSizes (aValue.Handle, HeaderSize, ImageSize); SetLength (Header, HeaderSize); SetLength (Image, ImageSize); GetDIB ( aValue.Handle, aValue.Palette, PChar (Header)^, PChar (Image)^ ); Result := '{\rtf1 {\pict\dibitmap '; SetLength ( HEX, ( Length (Header) + Length (Image) ) * 2 ); I := 2; for HeaderSize := 1 to Length (Header) do begin s := Format ('%x',[ Integer ( Header [HeaderSize] ) ]); if Length (s) = 1 then s := '0' + s; HEX [I-1] := s [1]; HEX [I] := s [2]; Inc (I,2); end; for ImageSize := 1 to Length (Image) do begin s := Format ('%x',[ Integer (Image [ImageSize]) ]); if Length (s) = 1 then s := '0' + s; HEX [I-1] := s [1]; HEX [I] := s [2]; Inc (I,2); end; Result := Result + HEX + ' }}'; except on E: Exception do raise Exception.CreateFmt ('%s#13#10%s',[ERR_BBCODE_BMP,E.Message]); end; end; procedure InsertBitMap (anObject: TRxRichEdit; aBitMap: TBitMap); var Stream : TStringStream; begin Stream := TStringStream.Create ( BitMapToRTF (aBitMap) ); if Assigned (Stream) then try PutRTFSelection (anObject,Stream); finally if Assigned (Stream) then FreeAndNil (Stream); end; end; function StrToBitMap (anObject: TRxRichEdit; aStr: String; aBitMap: TBitMap) : Integer; var FindPos : LongInt; CurrentPos : LongInt; begin if Assigned (anObject) then with anObject do repeat FindPos := FindText ( aStr, 0, Length (Text),[] ); if ( FindPos >= 0 ) then begin Lines.BeginUpdate; SelStart := FindPos; SelLength := Length (aStr); SelText := ''; CurrentPos := FindPos; InsertBitMap (anObject,aBitMap); SelStart := CurrentPos; Lines.EndUpdate; end; until ( FindPos < 0 ); end; procedure InsertSmiles (anObject: TRxRichEdit; const aSMILES: array of String; anIcons : TsAlphaImageList; aBackColor: TColor = clNone); var Bmp : TBitMap; Rect : TRect; I : Integer; begin try if Assigned (anObject) and Assigned (anIcons) then begin Bmp := TBitmap.Create; try Rect.Left := 0; Rect.Top := 0; Rect.Right := anIcons.Width; Rect.Bottom := anIcons.Height; for I := 0 to High (aSMILES) do begin if ( I <= anIcons.Count -1 ) and anIcons.GetBitmap32 (I,Bmp) then begin if ( aBackColor = clNone ) then begin Bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := anObject.Color; Bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color := anObject.Color; end else begin Bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := aBackColor; Bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color := aBackColor; end; Bmp.Canvas.FillRect (Rect); anIcons.Draw (Bmp.Canvas,0,0,I,dsTransparent,itImage); StrToBitMap ( anObject, aSMILES [I], Bmp ); end; end; finally FreeAndNil (Bmp); end; end; except on E: Exception do raise Exception.CreateFmt ('%s'#13#10'%s',[ERR_SMILES_INSERT,E.Message]) end; end; procedure InsertQuotes (anObject: TRxRichEdit; anIcons : TsAlphaImageList; aBackColor: TColor = clNone); begin InsertSmiles (anObject,QUOTES,anIcons,aBackColor); end; procedure GetTagWords (const aBBCode: String; const aTagOpen: String; const aTagClose: String; out aWords: TStringList); var Buf1 : String; Buf2 : String; Buf3 : String; lst : TStringList; I : Integer; Index : Integer; begin if not Assigned (aWords) then raise Exception.CreateFmt (ERR_BBCODE_NOT_INITIALIZE_OBJECT, [TStringList.ClassName]); Buf1 := ''; Buf2 := aBBCode; Buf3 := ''; // разбираем while ( Pos (aTagOpen,Buf2) > 0 ) do begin Buf2 := Copy ( Buf2, Pos (aTagOpen, Buf2), ( Length (Buf2) - Pos (aTagOpen, Buf2) ) + 1 ); Buf1 := Copy ( aBBCode, 1, Length (aBBCode) - Length (Buf2) ); Delete ( Buf2, Pos (aTagOpen, Buf2), Length (aTagOpen) ); Buf3 := Copy ( Buf2, 1, ( Pos (aTagClose, Buf2) - 1 ) ); Buf2 := Copy ( Buf2, Pos (aTagClose, Buf2) + Length (aTagClose), ( Length (Buf2) - Pos (aTagClose, Buf2) ) + 1 ); Buf3 := Trim (Buf3); lst := TStringList.Create; try lst.CommaText := Buf3; for I := 0 to lst.Count - 1 do if notEmpty (lst [I]) and not aWords.Find (lst [I],Index) then aWords.Add (lst [I]); finally FreeAndNil (lst); end; end; end; procedure GetBoldWords (const aBBCode: String; out aWords: TStringList); begin GetTagWords (aBBCode,'[B]','[/B]',aWords); end; procedure GetItalicWords (const aBBCode: String; out aWords: TStringList); begin GetTagWords (aBBCode,'[I]','[/I]',aWords); end; procedure GetUnderlineWords (const aBBCode: String; out aWords: TStringList); begin GetTagWords (aBBCode,'[U]','[/U]',aWords); end; procedure GetKeyWords (const aBBCode: String; out aWords: TStringList); begin GetTagWords (aBBCode,'[KEY]','[/KEY]',aWords); end; end.